Java™ Platform Standard Ed. 6 |
Packages that use Integer | |
java.awt.font | Provides classes and interface relating to fonts. |
java.lang | Provides classes that are fundamental to the design of the Java programming language. |
java.util | Contains the collections framework, legacy collection classes, event model, date and time facilities, internationalization, and miscellaneous utility classes (a string tokenizer, a random-number generator, and a bit array). |
javax.management | Provides the core classes for the Java Management Extensions. |
javax.management.openmbean | Provides the open data types and Open MBean descriptor classes. |
javax.management.relation | Provides the definition of the Relation Service. |
javax.management.remote | Interfaces for remote access to JMX MBean servers. |
javax.management.remote.rmi | The RMI connector is a connector for the JMX Remote API that uses RMI to transmit client requests to a remote MBean server. |
javax.management.timer | Provides the definition of the Timer MBean. |
javax.script | The scripting API consists of interfaces and classes that define Java TM Scripting Engines and provides a framework for their use in Java applications. |
javax.swing | Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms. |
javax.swing.plaf.basic | Provides user interface objects built according to the Basic look and feel. |
Uses of Integer in java.awt.font |
Fields in java.awt.font declared as Integer | |
static Integer |
Request standard kerning. |
static Integer |
Request standard optional ligatures. |
static Integer |
Standard subscript. |
static Integer |
Standard superscript. |
static Integer |
Single pixel dashed low underline. |
static Integer |
Single pixel dotted low underline. |
static Integer |
Double pixel gray low underline. |
static Integer |
Single pixel solid low underline. |
static Integer |
Double pixel solid low underline. |
static Integer |
Standard underline. |
Uses of Integer in java.lang |
Fields in java.lang with type parameters of type Integer | |
static Class<Integer> |
The Class instance representing the primitive type
int . |
Methods in java.lang that return Integer | |
static Integer |
Integer.decode(String nm)
Decodes a String into an Integer . |
static Integer |
Integer.getInteger(String nm)
Determines the integer value of the system property with the specified name. |
static Integer |
Integer.getInteger(String nm,
int val)
Determines the integer value of the system property with the specified name. |
static Integer |
Integer.getInteger(String nm,
Integer val)
Returns the integer value of the system property with the specified name. |
static Integer |
Integer.valueOf(int i)
Returns a Integer instance representing the specified int value. |
static Integer |
Integer.valueOf(String s)
Returns an Integer object holding the
value of the specified String . |
static Integer |
Integer.valueOf(String s,
int radix)
Returns an Integer object holding the value
extracted from the specified String when parsed
with the radix given by the second argument. |
Methods in java.lang with parameters of type Integer | |
int |
Integer.compareTo(Integer anotherInteger)
Compares two Integer objects numerically. |
static Integer |
Integer.getInteger(String nm,
Integer val)
Returns the integer value of the system property with the specified name. |
Uses of Integer in java.util |
Methods in java.util that return types with arguments of type Integer | |
Map<String,Integer> |
Calendar.getDisplayNames(int field,
int style,
Locale locale)
Returns a Map containing all names of the calendar
field in the given style and
locale and their corresponding field values. |
Uses of Integer in javax.management |
Methods in javax.management that return Integer | |
Integer |
Returns the number of MBeans registered in the MBean server. |
Integer |
Returns the number of MBeans registered in the MBean server. |
Uses of Integer in javax.management.openmbean |
Fields in javax.management.openmbean with type parameters of type Integer | |
static SimpleType<Integer> |
The SimpleType instance describing values whose
Java class name is java.lang.Integer . |
Uses of Integer in javax.management.relation |
Methods in javax.management.relation that return Integer | |
Integer |
RelationServiceMBean.checkRoleReading(String roleName,
String relationTypeName)
Checks if given Role can be read in a relation of the given type. |
Integer |
RelationService.checkRoleReading(String roleName,
String relationTypeName)
Checks if given Role can be read in a relation of the given type. |
Integer |
RelationServiceMBean.checkRoleWriting(Role role,
String relationTypeName,
Boolean initFlag)
Checks if given Role can be set in a relation of given type. |
Integer |
RelationService.checkRoleWriting(Role role,
String relationTypeName,
Boolean initFlag)
Checks if given Role can be set in a relation of given type. |
Integer |
RelationSupport.getRoleCardinality(String roleName)
Returns the number of MBeans currently referenced in the given role. |
Integer |
Relation.getRoleCardinality(String roleName)
Returns the number of MBeans currently referenced in the given role. |
Integer |
RelationServiceMBean.getRoleCardinality(String relationId,
String roleName)
Retrieves the number of MBeans currently referenced in the given role. |
Integer |
RelationService.getRoleCardinality(String relationId,
String roleName)
Retrieves the number of MBeans currently referenced in the given role. |
Uses of Integer in javax.management.remote |
Methods in javax.management.remote that return Integer | |
Integer |
The ID of the listener to which the notification is targeted. |
Constructors in javax.management.remote with parameters of type Integer | |
TargetedNotification(Notification notification,
Integer listenerID)
Constructs a TargetedNotification object. |
Uses of Integer in javax.management.remote.rmi |
Methods in javax.management.remote.rmi that return Integer | |
Integer[] |
RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.addNotificationListeners(ObjectName[] $param_arrayOf_ObjectName_1,
MarshalledObject[] $param_arrayOf_MarshalledObject_2,
Subject[] $param_arrayOf_Subject_3)
Integer[] |
RMIConnectionImpl.addNotificationListeners(ObjectName[] names,
MarshalledObject[] filters,
Subject[] delegationSubjects)
Integer[] |
RMIConnection.addNotificationListeners(ObjectName[] names,
MarshalledObject[] filters,
Subject[] delegationSubjects)
Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.addNotificationListener(ObjectName,
NotificationListener, NotificationFilter, Object) . |
Integer |
RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.getMBeanCount(Subject $param_Subject_1)
Integer |
RMIConnectionImpl.getMBeanCount(Subject delegationSubject)
Integer |
RMIConnection.getMBeanCount(Subject delegationSubject)
Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.getMBeanCount() . |
Methods in javax.management.remote.rmi with parameters of type Integer | |
void |
RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.removeNotificationListeners(ObjectName $param_ObjectName_1,
Integer[] $param_arrayOf_Integer_2,
Subject $param_Subject_3)
void |
RMIConnectionImpl.removeNotificationListeners(ObjectName name,
Integer[] listenerIDs,
Subject delegationSubject)
void |
RMIConnection.removeNotificationListeners(ObjectName name,
Integer[] listenerIDs,
Subject delegationSubject)
Handles the removeNotificationListener(ObjectName, NotificationListener) and
removeNotificationListener(ObjectName, NotificationListener, NotificationFilter, Object) methods. |
Uses of Integer in javax.management.timer |
Methods in javax.management.timer that return Integer | |
Integer |
TimerMBean.addNotification(String type,
String message,
Object userData,
Date date)
Creates a new timer notification with the specified type , message
and userData and inserts it into the list of notifications with a given date
and a null period and number of occurrences. |
Integer |
Timer.addNotification(String type,
String message,
Object userData,
Date date)
Creates a new timer notification with the specified type , message
and userData and inserts it into the list of notifications with a given date
and a null period and number of occurrences. |
Integer |
TimerMBean.addNotification(String type,
String message,
Object userData,
Date date,
long period)
Creates a new timer notification with the specified type , message
and userData and inserts it into the list of notifications with a given date
and period and a null number of occurrences. |
Integer |
Timer.addNotification(String type,
String message,
Object userData,
Date date,
long period)
Creates a new timer notification with the specified type , message
and userData and inserts it into the list of notifications with a given date
and period and a null number of occurrences. |
Integer |
TimerMBean.addNotification(String type,
String message,
Object userData,
Date date,
long period,
long nbOccurences)
Creates a new timer notification with the specified type , message
and userData and inserts it into the list of notifications with a given date,
period and number of occurrences. |
Integer |
Timer.addNotification(String type,
String message,
Object userData,
Date date,
long period,
long nbOccurences)
Creates a new timer notification with the specified type , message
and userData and inserts it into the list of notifications with a given date,
period and number of occurrences. |
Integer |
TimerMBean.addNotification(String type,
String message,
Object userData,
Date date,
long period,
long nbOccurences,
boolean fixedRate)
Creates a new timer notification with the specified type , message
and userData and inserts it into the list of notifications with a given date,
period and number of occurrences. |
Integer |
Timer.addNotification(String type,
String message,
Object userData,
Date date,
long period,
long nbOccurences,
boolean fixedRate)
Creates a new timer notification with the specified type , message
and userData and inserts it into the list of notifications with a given date,
period and number of occurrences. |
Integer |
Gets the identifier of this timer notification. |
Methods in javax.management.timer that return types with arguments of type Integer | |
Vector<Integer> |
Gets all timer notification identifiers registered into the list of notifications. |
Vector<Integer> |
Gets all timer notification identifiers registered into the list of notifications. |
Vector<Integer> |
TimerMBean.getNotificationIDs(String type)
Gets all the identifiers of timer notifications corresponding to the specified type. |
Vector<Integer> |
Timer.getNotificationIDs(String type)
Gets all the identifiers of timer notifications corresponding to the specified type. |
Methods in javax.management.timer with parameters of type Integer | |
Date |
TimerMBean.getDate(Integer id)
Gets a copy of the date associated to a timer notification. |
Date |
Timer.getDate(Integer id)
Gets a copy of the date associated to a timer notification. |
Boolean |
TimerMBean.getFixedRate(Integer id)
Gets a copy of the flag indicating whether a periodic notification is executed at fixed-delay or at fixed-rate. |
Boolean |
Timer.getFixedRate(Integer id)
Gets a copy of the flag indicating whether a periodic notification is executed at fixed-delay or at fixed-rate. |
Long |
TimerMBean.getNbOccurences(Integer id)
Gets a copy of the remaining number of occurrences associated to a timer notification. |
Long |
Timer.getNbOccurences(Integer id)
Gets a copy of the remaining number of occurrences associated to a timer notification. |
String |
TimerMBean.getNotificationMessage(Integer id)
Gets the timer notification detailed message corresponding to the specified identifier. |
String |
Timer.getNotificationMessage(Integer id)
Gets the timer notification detailed message corresponding to the specified identifier. |
String |
TimerMBean.getNotificationType(Integer id)
Gets the timer notification type corresponding to the specified identifier. |
String |
Timer.getNotificationType(Integer id)
Gets the timer notification type corresponding to the specified identifier. |
Object |
TimerMBean.getNotificationUserData(Integer id)
Gets the timer notification user data object corresponding to the specified identifier. |
Object |
Timer.getNotificationUserData(Integer id)
Gets the timer notification user data object corresponding to the specified identifier. |
Long |
TimerMBean.getPeriod(Integer id)
Gets a copy of the period (in milliseconds) associated to a timer notification. |
Long |
Timer.getPeriod(Integer id)
Gets a copy of the period (in milliseconds) associated to a timer notification. |
void |
TimerMBean.removeNotification(Integer id)
Removes the timer notification corresponding to the specified identifier from the list of notifications. |
void |
Timer.removeNotification(Integer id)
Removes the timer notification corresponding to the specified identifier from the list of notifications. |
Constructors in javax.management.timer with parameters of type Integer | |
TimerNotification(String type,
Object source,
long sequenceNumber,
long timeStamp,
String msg,
Integer id)
Creates a timer notification object. |
Uses of Integer in javax.script |
Methods in javax.script that return types with arguments of type Integer | |
List<Integer> |
Returns immutable List of all the valid values for
scope in the ScriptContext. |
List<Integer> |
Returns immutable List of all the valid values for
scope in the ScriptContext. |
Uses of Integer in javax.swing |
Fields in javax.swing declared as Integer | |
static Integer |
Convenience object defining the Default layer. |
static Integer |
Convenience object defining the Drag layer. |
static Integer |
Convenience object defining the Frame Content layer. |
static Integer |
Convenience object defining the Modal layer. |
static Integer |
Convenience object defining the Palette layer. |
static Integer |
Convenience object defining the Popup layer. |
Methods in javax.swing that return Integer | |
protected Integer |
JLayeredPane.getObjectForLayer(int layer)
Returns the Integer object associated with a specified layer. |
Methods in javax.swing that return types with arguments of type Integer | |
protected Hashtable<Component,Integer> |
Returns the hashtable that maps components to layers. |
Methods in javax.swing with parameters of type Integer | |
void |
JInternalFrame.setLayer(Integer layer)
Convenience method for setting the layer attribute of this component. |
Uses of Integer in javax.swing.plaf.basic |
Methods in javax.swing.plaf.basic that return Integer | |
protected Integer |
Returns the biggest value that has an entry in the label table. |
protected Integer |
Returns the smallest value that has an entry in the label table. |
Java™ Platform Standard Ed. 6 |
Copyright © 1993, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.