JavaTM XML Digital Signature
API Specification (JSR 105)
Table of Contents
This document describes the JavaTM XML Digital Signature API Specification (JSR
105). The purpose of this JSR is to define a standard
JavaTM API for generating and
validating XML signatures.
When this specification is final, there will be a Reference
Implementation which will demonstrate the capabilities of this API
and will provide an operational definition of this specification. A
Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) will also be available that will
verify whether an implementation of the specification is compliant.
These are required as per the Java Community Process
SM 2.1.
The JSR 105 API is intended to target the following two types of
- JavaTM programmers who want
to use the JSR 105 API to generate and validate XML
- JavaTM programmers who want
to create a concrete implementation of the JSR 105 API and register
it as a cryptographic service of a JCA provider.
The JSR 105 Expert Group:
- Nicolas Catania, Hewlett-Packard
- Donald E. Eastlake 3rd, Motorola
- Christian Geuer-Pollmann, Apache Software Foundation
- Hans Granqvist, VeriSign
- Kazuyuki Harada, Fujitsu
- Anthony Ho, DSTC
- Merlin Hughes, Baltimore Technologies
- Joyce Leung, IBM
- Gregor Karlinger, IAIK
- Serge Mister, Entrust Technologies
- Takuya Mori, NEC Corporation
- Sean Mullan, Sun Microsystems (co-specification lead)
- Anthony Nadalin, IBM (co-specification lead)
- Erwin van der Koogh, Apache Software Foundation
- Chris Yeung, XML Asia
Also, special thanks to: Valerie Peng, Vincent Ryan, Sharon Liu,
Chok Poh, K. Venugopal Rao., Paul Rank, Alexey Gavrilov, Bill Situ,
Eric Jendrock, Andrew Fan, Manveen Kaur, Tom Amiro, Michael Mi,
Dmitri Silaev, Roman Makarchuk, Vanitha Venkatraman, Arkadiy
Sutchilin, and Scott Fordin from Sun Microsystems, Vishal Mahajan
from Apache, and Martin Centner from IAIK.
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
- W3C
Recommendation, XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.
- The API MUST allow a programmer to generate and validate XML
Signatures such that all of the SHOULD and MUST requirements
specified by the W3C recommendation can be satisfied.
- The API MUST allow an implementation of the API to be created
such that all of the SHOULD and MUST requirements specified by the
W3C recommendation can be satisfied.
- An implementation SHOULD support the W3C Recommendation,
XML-Signature XPath Filter Transform 2.0.
- An implementation SHOULD support the W3C Recommendation,
Exclusive XML Canonicalization Version 1.0.
- DOM-independent API. The API MUST NOT have dependencies
on a specific XML representation, such as DOM. It MUST be possible
to create implementations of the API for different XML processing
and mechanism representations, such as DOM, JDOM or dom4j.
- Extensible, provider-based API. It MUST be possible for
a third-party to create and plug in an implementation responsible
for managing and creating cryptographic and transform algorithms,
dereferencing URIs, and marshalling objects to/from XML.
- Support for a default XML mechanism type: DOM. An
implementation MUST minimally support the default mechanism type:
DOM. This ensures that all implementations of JSR 105 are
guaranteed a minimal level of functionality. Implementations MAY
support other mechanism types.
- Interoperability for the default XML mechanism type:
DOM. The API SHOULD ensure that applications using a DOM
implementation are portable and interoperable.
- J2SE requirements. Implementations of this technology
MAY support J2SE 1.2 or later but MUST at a minimum support version
1.4 or later of J2SE.
- Support for non-DOM implementations. While the API
SHOULD allow non-DOM implementations to be created, it is beyond
the scope of the first version to ensure interoperability between
implementations other than DOM. Additional standard service
provider types MAY be added in the future and necessary API
enhancements MAY be considered for a maintenance revision of JSR
- Support for a higher-level API. We expect that
programmers MAY design high-level APIs which will be built on the
JSR 105 API to hide low-level details, address common use-cases or
apply profiling constraints. However, it is beyond the scope of the
first version to support these requirements. A high-level API MAY
be considered for a maintenance release of JSR 105.
- Support for user-pluggable algorithms (other than transform
and canonicalization algorithms which is supported by the javax.xml.crypto.dsig.TransformService
class): Allowing developers to plug in their own
implementations of XML Signature algorithms without requiring them
to create a complete JSR 105 implementation seems like a worthy
goal but SHALL NOT be REQUIRED for this release of JSR 105. A
solution we are investigating for a subsequent release of Java SE
is to enhance the underlying JCA/JCE to add better support for
registering, parsing and processing XML security algorithms,
parameters, and key information.
Package Overview
The JSR 105 API consists of 6 packages:
The javax.xml.crypto
package contains common classes that are used to perform XML
cryptographic operations, such as generating an XML signature or
encrypting XML data. Two notable classes in this package are the
class, the purpose of which is to allow developers to supply
implementations which locate and optionally validate keys using the
information contained in a KeyInfo
object, and the
class which allows developers to create and specify their own URI
dereferencing implementations.
The javax.xml.crypto.dsig
package includes interfaces that represent the core elements
defined in the W3C XML digital signature specification. Of primary
significance is the XMLSignature
class, which allows you to sign and validate an XML digital
signature. Most of the XML signature structures or elements are
represented by a corresponding interface (except for the
structures, which are included in their own
package, and discussed in the next paragraph). These interfaces
include: SignedInfo,
CanonicalizationMethod, SignatureMethod,
and SignatureProperties.
The XMLSignatureFactory
class is an abstract factory that is used to create objects that
implement these interfaces.
javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo package contains interfaces that
represent most of the KeyInfo
structures defined in
the W3C XML digital signature recommendation, including KeyInfo,
RetrievalMethod, and PGPData.
KeyInfoFactory class is an abstract factory that is used to
create objects that implement these interfaces.
The javax.xml.crypto.dsig.spec
package contains interfaces and classes representing input
parameters for the digest, signature, transform, or
canonicalization algorithms used in the processing of XML
Finally, the javax.xml.crypto.dom
and javax.xml.crypto.dsig.dom
packages contains DOM-specific classes for the javax.xml.crypto
and javax.xml.crypto.dsig
packages, respectively. Only developers and users who are creating
or using a DOM-based XMLSignatureFactory
KeyInfoFactory implementation should need to make direct use of
these packages.
A JSR 105 cryptographic service is a concrete implementation of the
abstract XMLSignatureFactory
KeyInfoFactory classes and is responsible for creating objects
and algorithms that parse, generate and validate XML Signatures and
KeyInfo structures. A concrete implementation of
MUST provide support for each of
the REQUIRED algorithms as specified by the W3C recommendation for
XML Signatures. It MAY support other algorithms as defined by the
W3C recommendation or other specifications.
JSR 105 leverages the JCA provider model for
registering and loading XMLSignatureFactory
Each concrete XMLSignatureFactory
implementation supports a specific
XML mechanism type that identifies the XML processing
mechanism that an implementation uses internally to parse and
generate XML signature and KeyInfo structures. This JSR supports
one standard type: DOM. Support for new standard types (such
as JDOM) MAY be added in the future.
A JSR 105 implementation SHOULD use underlying JCA engine
classes, such as
to perform cryptographic operations.
In addition to the XMLSignatureFactory
classes, JSR 105 supports a service
provider interface for transform and canonicalization algorithms.
The TransformService
class allows you to develop and plug in an implementation of a
specific transform or canonicalization algorithm for a particular
XML mechanism type. The TransformService
class uses
the standard JCA provider model for registering and loading
implementations. Each JSR 105 implementation SHOULD use the
class to find a provider that
supports transform and canonicalization algorithms in XML
Signatures that it is generating or validating.
The following requirements MUST be abided by when implementing a
DOM-based XMLSignatureFactory
or TransformService
order to minimize interoperability problems:
- The
unmarshalXMLSignature method of
MUST support
DOMValidateContext types. If the type is
, it SHOULD contain an Element of type
. Additionally, the
method MAY populate the
Id/Element mappings of the passed-in
- The sign
method of XMLSignatures
produced by
MUST support DOMSignContext
types and the validate
method MUST support
DOMValidateContext types. This requirement also applies to the
validate method of
SignatureValue and the validate
method of Reference.
- The implementation MUST support DOMStructures
as the mechanism for the application to specify extensible content
(any elements or mixed content).
- If the
dereference method of user-specified URIDereferencers
returns NodeSetData
objects, the
method MUST return an iteration
over objects of type org.w3c.dom.Node
objects passed to the
method of user-specified
s MUST be of type DOMURIReference
and XMLCryptoContext
objects MUST implement DOMCryptoContext.
- The previous 2 requirements also apply to
s returned by the
method of
- The
unmarshalKeyInfo method of
support DOMStructure
types. If the type is DOMStructure
, it SHOULD contain
an Element
of type KeyInfo
- The transform
method of
MUST support DOMCryptoContext
context parameter types.
- The
newtransform and
newCanonicalizationMethod methods of
MUST support DOMStructure
parameter types.
- The init,
marshalParams methods of
support DOMStructure
and DOMCryptoContext
- The
unmarshalXMLSignature method of
MUST support DOMStructure
types. If the type is DOMStructure
, it SHOULD contain
an Element
of type Signature
- The
marshal method of
MUST support DOMStructure
and DOMCryptoContext
parameter types.
Note that a DOM implementation MAY internally use other XML parsing
APIs other than DOM as long as it doesn't affect interoperability.
For example, a DOM implementation of
might use a SAX parser internally
to canonicalize data.
The following is a list of open API issues.
- ID attribute registration of external XML document references
is not supported.
Consider the following reference:
<Reference URI="document.xml">
<Transform Algorithm="">
Dereferencing the external document results in an octet stream
which is subsequently converted to a NodeSet by the JSR 105
implementation. But the API does not provide a mechanism for
registering ID attributes of external documents and therefore the
XPath Transform implementation may be unable to identify the "foo"
Examples 1-3 below demonstrate how to generate different types of
simple XML Digital Signature using the JSR 105 API. Example 1
describes how to generate a detached
signature using the DSA signature algorithm. Example 2 describes
how to generate an enveloped
signature. Example 3 decribes how to generate an
enveloping signature. Example 4 describes how to validate an XML
- Generating a detached XML Digital
- Generating an enveloped XML
Digital Signature
- Generating an enveloping XML
Digital Signature
- Validating an XML Digital
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