package slp; import com.sun.slp.ServiceLocationManager; import com.sun.slp.ServiceLocationException; import com.sun.slp.Locator; import com.sun.slp.ServiceURL; import com.sun.slp.ServiceLocationAttribute; import com.sun.slp.ServiceType; import com.sun.slp.ServiceLocationEnumeration; import*; import*; import javax.naming.Context; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Vector; import; import; /** * This class demonstrates how to use SLP as a lookup service for * JSR 160 connectors. It shows how to lookup a JMXServiceURL * from the SLP lookup service. *

* See README file and {@link #main(String[])} for more details. *

* Make sure to read the section "Binding with Lookup Services" of * the JMX Remote API 1.0 Specification before looking at this example. */ public class Client { // Default scope. // public final static String JMX_SCOPE = "DEFAULT"; private static boolean debug = false; /** * Get a pointer to the SLP Lookup Service. * (See RFC 2614 for more info). * @return a pointer to the SLP Lookup Service. */ public static Locator getLocator() throws ServiceLocationException { // Getting the Locator (for lookup purposes) // final Locator slpLocator = ServiceLocationManager.getLocator(Locale.US); return slpLocator; } /** * Lookup JMXConnectors in the SLP Lookup Service. * * @param slpLocator A pointer to the SLP Lookup Service, * returned by {@link #getLocator()}. * @param name the AgentName of the JMXConnectors that should * be returned. If name is null, then * the JMXConnectors for all agents are returned * (null is an equivalent for a wildcard). * @return The list of matching JMXConnectors retrieved from * the SLP Lookup Service. */ public static List lookup(Locator slpLocator, String name) throws IOException, ServiceLocationException { final ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); // Set the lookup SCOPE. // Vector scopes = new Vector(); scopes.add(JMX_SCOPE); // Set the LDAPv3 query string // // Will return only those services for which the AgentName // attribute was registered. Since JSR 160 specifies that // the AgentName attribute is mandatory, this makes it possible // to filter out all the services that do not conform // to the spec. // If is null, it is replaced by "*", so that all // services for which the AgentName attribute was specified match, // regardless of the value of that attribute. // Otherwise, only those services for which AgentName matches the // name or pattern specified by will be returned. // String query = "(&(AgentName=" + ((name!=null)?name:"*") + "))"; debug("Looking up JMX Agents with filter: " + query ); // Lookup the JMX agents.... // ServiceLocationEnumeration result = slpLocator.findServices(new ServiceType("service:jmx"), scopes, query); debug("... Got service enumeration."); // Build the JMXConnector list // while (result.hasMoreElements()) { final ServiceURL surl = (ServiceURL); debug("\nFound Service URL: " + surl); // Some debug info: // if (debug) { // Retrieve the Lookup Attributes that were registered // with this URL // debug("Getting attributes..."); final ServiceLocationEnumeration slpAttributes = slpLocator.findAttributes(surl, scopes, new Vector()); debug("... Got attribute enumeration."); while (slpAttributes.hasMoreElements()) { final ServiceLocationAttribute slpAttribute = (ServiceLocationAttribute) slpAttributes.nextElement(); debug("\tAttribute: " + slpAttribute); } } // Create a JMXConnector // --------------------- // Create a JMX Service URL // JMXServiceURL jmxUrl = new JMXServiceURL(surl.toString()); debug("JMX Service URL: " + jmxUrl); // Obtain a JMXConnector from the factory // try { JMXConnector client = JMXConnectorFactory.newJMXConnector(jmxUrl,null); debug("JMX Connector: " + client); // Add the connector to the result list. // if (client != null) list.add(client); } catch (IOException x ) { System.err.println("Failed to create JMXConnector for " + jmxUrl); System.err.println("Error is: " + x); System.err.println("Skipping..."); } } return list; } /** * List all MBeans and their attributes. */ public static void listMBeans(MBeanServerConnection server) throws IOException { final Set names = server.queryNames(null,null); for (final Iterator i=names.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { ObjectName name = (ObjectName); System.out.println("Got MBean: "+name); try { MBeanInfo info = server.getMBeanInfo((ObjectName)name); MBeanAttributeInfo[] attrs = info.getAttributes(); if (attrs == null) continue; for (int j=0; j * Lookup all JMX agents in the SLP Lookup Service and list * their MBeans and attributes. *

* You may wish to use the following properties on the Java command line: *

*/ public static void main(String[] args) { try { // Get the value of the debug flag. // debug = (Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("debug","false"))). booleanValue(); // Get AgentName to lookup. // If not defined, all agents are taken into account. // final String agentName = System.getProperty(""); // Get a pointer to the SLP Lookup Service. // final Locator slpLocator = getLocator(); debug("slpLocator is: " + slpLocator); // Lookup all matching agents in the SLP Lookup Service. // List l = lookup(slpLocator,agentName); // Attempt to connect to retrieved agents // System.out.println("\nNumber of agents found : " + l.size()); int j = 1; for (Iterator i=l.iterator();i.hasNext();j++) { JMXConnector c1 = (JMXConnector); if (c1 != null) { // Connect // System.out.println( "\n----------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("\tConnecting to agent number "+j); System.out.println( "----------------------------------------------------"); debug("JMXConnector is: " + c1); // Prepare the environment Map // final HashMap env = new HashMap(); final String factory = System.getProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY); final String ldapServerUrl = System.getProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL); final String ldapUser = System.getProperty(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL); final String ldapPasswd = System.getProperty(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS); // Transfer some system properties to the Map // if (factory!= null) // this should not be needed env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,factory); if (ldapServerUrl!=null) // this should not be needed env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, ldapServerUrl); if (ldapUser!=null) // this is needed when LDAP is used env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, ldapUser); if (ldapPasswd != null) // this is needed when LDAP is used env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, ldapPasswd); try { c1.connect(env); } catch (IOException x) { System.err.println("Connection failed: " + x); x.printStackTrace(System.err); continue; } // Get MBeanServerConnection // MBeanServerConnection conn = c1.getMBeanServerConnection(); debug("Connection is:" + conn); System.out.println("Server domain is: " + conn.getDefaultDomain()); // List all MBeans // try { listMBeans(conn); } catch (IOException x) { System.err.println("Failed to list MBeans: " + x); x.printStackTrace(System.err); } // Close connector // try { c1.close(); } catch (IOException x) { System.err.println("Failed to close connection: " + x); x.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } } catch (Exception x) { System.err.println("Unexpected exception caught in main: " + x); x.printStackTrace(System.err); } } }