

    #include <algorithm>
    bool next_permutation( bidirectional_iterator start, bidirectional_iterator end );
    bool next_permutation( bidirectional_iterator start, bidirectional_iterator end, StrictWeakOrdering cmp );

Transform range to next permutation

Rearranges the elements in the range [first, last) into the lexicographically next greater permutation of elements. The comparisons of individual elements are performed using either operator< for the first version, or comp for the second.

A permutation is each one of the N! possible arrangements the elements can take (where N is the number of elements in the range). Different permutations can be ordered according on how they compare lexicographically to each other; The first such-sorted possible permutation (the one that would compare lexicographically smaller to all other permutations) is the one which has all its elements sorted in ascending order, and the largest has all its elements sorted in descending order.

If the function can determine the next higher permutation, it rearranges the elements as such and returns true. If that was not possible (because it is already at the largest), it rearranges the elements according to the first permutation (sorted in ascending order) and returns false.


first, last Bidirectional iterators to the initial and final positions of the sequence. The range used is [first,last), which contains all the elements between first and last, including the element pointed by first but not the element pointed by last. comp Comparison function object that, taking two values of the same type than those contained in the range, returns true if the first argument is to be considered less than the second argument.

Return value

true if the function could rearrange the object as a lexicographically greater permutation. Otherwise, the function returns false to indicate that the arrangement is not greater than the previous, but the lowest possible (sorted in ascending order).


// next_permutation
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main () {
  int myints[] = {1,2,3};
  cout << "The 3! possible permutations with 3 elements:\n";
  sort (myints,myints+3);
  do {
    cout << myints[0] << " " << myints[1] << " " << myints[2] << endl;
  } while ( next_permutation (myints,myints+3) );
  return 0;


1 2 3

1 3 2

2 1 3

2 3 1

3 1 2

3 2 1

Related Topics: prev_permutation, random_sample, random_sample_n, random_shuffle